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Farming Simula Pc Exe Full Serial Registration Build Torrent


You have the right to learn the fascinating and fun Farming Simulator 15 free download crack serial key keygen. Do you know what a farm is? How do you go about farming it? If you have no idea or maybe your knowledge of this topic is rather limited, then it's time you came up with an answer. This article will show how to play Farm Simulator 15 as a beginner as well as give some interesting tips on how to master the game effectively so that you can reach your full potential in this simulation. So let's get started! The first thing you need to know is how to control the game. The controls are very easy; they are pretty much like any other farming game out there. The keyboard layout will be your number one weapon throughout the game, so make sure to become familiar with it. Today, we're going through all the tips & tricks you need to know in order to become an expert in Farming Simulator 15. We will start with the Auto Functions. 1. Auto Harvester It is really easy to Auto Harvests in this game, and believe me you'll need to use it all the time in your Farm Simulator 15 Free Download crack serial key keygen. The way it works is simple: Just drive your plough in a rectangle shape and when you're in the middle of that rectangle press G (your keyboard), and all of your seeds within that area will be harvested at once! This way, you can get from 1 hour of time harvesting to 20 seconds! Another thing is that if you use this method of harvesting, you get a higher price for your crops because everything looks so nice and tidy! 2. Auto Rake This is also one of the most efficient ways to harvest, but it requires some time to set up. The way it works is that you drive your rake slowly across the field, and once you're near the end of the field your crops will be automatically harvested. The only thing about this particular farming technique that makes it not as efficient if you're looking for instant harvests is that after 20 seconds, you would lose all of your game-time. 3. Auto Weed The Auto Weed function does exactly what its name says; all crops within your square area will be automatically weeded. The one thing about this farming technique is that it takes 60 seconds before the results are available, so make sure it's worth your time. 4. Auto Walk This function does exactly what its name says; in order to harvest in this game, you'll need to walk around in your farm. However, in order to do so you have to put your keyboard and mouse on the edges of your screen, so you can get used to this very quickly. The one thing about this feature is that once you start walking around the field, all crops within a certain radius will get harvested automatically so make sure it's worth your time because sometimes you might want a few more minutes of work. 5. cfa1e77820

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